“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the man who trusteth in him. – Psalms 34: 8″
Service Timings (Tamil) – Sunday 9:30 am to 11:30 am
Service Timings (English) – Sunday 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Welcome to Redeemer Christ Assembly
“We are a vibrant faith community where people of all ages and backgrounds can find a place to belong. It is our prayer that you will experience God’s love in us through heartfelt worship, relevant ministries, and meaningful connections. We are excited about what God is doing here and we invite you to join us in following Christ together.”
Redeemer Christ Assembly is a Christian church in Brampton, Ontario. We are a fellowship of believers, made in God’s image and called as disciples of Christ to share the Good News with everyone through learning, listening, praying and working together actively to reach out to our communities.
Redeemer Christ Assembly is a place to believe, belong, and become!
Declaration of Faith and Practices
The Redeemer Christ Assembly believes all Scripture in the whole Bible to be completely and equally inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it is the written Word of God. The Redeemer Christ Assembly has the following Declaration of Faith and Practices as its standard and official expression of its doctrine.
We Believe:
- We believe in God as eternal Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created and sustains the universe. The eternal purpose of God the Father is to create a people who will bring glory to God forever. God alone is worthy of worship.
- We believe that God became human in Jesus Christ. Jesus came to restore the world because humans have rejected God in disobedience. Jesus taught and modeled the way of God’s kingdom. He died on the cross, making it possible for us to accept a renewed relationship with God. He rose from the dead, broke the power of sin and death, and frees us to live in obedience to God’s will.
- We believe that God the Holy Spirit invites all people to be reconciled with God and to join the global family of faith. Believers confess their faith, are baptized, and join in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and guided by the Bible, members of the church seek to live as followers of Christ and invite others to experience this new life.
As Christians, we are called to turn:
- from ignorance of God to a personal relationship with God
- from bondage of sin and past mistakes to freedom, forgiveness, and healing
- from lifestyle choices that harm us, others, and the earth to choices that nurture wholeness, healing, joy, and peace
- from hating enemies and showing love and justice to all
- from loving possessions to sharing with all in need
- from aimless existence to a mission of representing and proclaiming God’s kingdom on earth
As Christians, we look forward to the day when God will once again send Jesus to bring all things under God’s eternal rule.
Our Ministry Vision
Through words and actions we share Christ with others, inviting them to join us in our journey. Newcomers are welcomed, celebrated, and included in our fellowship of faith. We are a community with a mission that is both global and local. This commitment to sharing Christ permeates our thinking, planning and decision-making process. Through prayer, giving and service we impact our personal networks, our city and our world. We intentionally emphasize disciple-making by nurturing caring relationships, helping all to grow and develop towards maturity in their life in Christ.
Redeemer Christ Assembly was started in April 2003 as the first Tamil Church in Brampton with the Pentecostal foundation by Pastor S. Alfred Cherubim and had been reaching out to the Tamil community in Brampton City who have come from Sri Lanka, India, Singapore etc. and settled down here.
Our regular Sunday Services, weekly Bible studies, House Meetings, Vigil Night Prayers from the inception brought many of them come to know the truth and accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour and received the immersion Baptism and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Our extended Ministry activities such as Weekly articles in the secular News Papers, Weekly TV Programs, Monthly “Jesus Heals” Prayer meetings and the Spiritual Books released during the last few years touched, encouraged and strengthened many Christians from other Churches and Non-Christians as well.
On matters of public interest on Education which are contrary to our Christian faith, we have initiated and raised our opinion and as a Church contacted our local MPP, Premier and even the Prime Ministers and expressed our protest in writing. On this matter we join hands with other Churches to fervently to pray God’s intervention on these crucial matters concerning the children.
We collaborate with other Churches and Ministries in many situations, in that our Pastor is a standing active member of the Tamil Pastors Fellowship of Canada and also an active member of the Brampton Ministerial Association. We invite other Pastors other Churches to come and share the Word of God and also receive Pastors who come from India and Sri Lanka to preach in our Church.
We have a Youth Group called “JIMS” (Jesus Is My Saviour) bring in the growing children to have fellowship and to give them a strong foundation to lead a God fearing life. Few of the children went through JIMS have entered Universities and are even working, hold on to the faith and stand as living testimonies. We are sure the present growing children will go through that club and be benefited.
Our Children Annually take part in the Bible Quiz and the Memory Verses contest Organized for all the Tamil Churches in GTA are have received awards mostly every year. Our Church also take part in the Annual all Churches Christmas program and extend our whole-hearted support. Our Church has taken part in the Annual distribution of JESUS FILM in Brampton area homes for the last five years consecutively organized by Brampton Prayer Group.
All Praise and Glory to our Good Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor S. Alfred Cherubim hails from a Tamil family from Sri Lanka, on completion of his studies he served the Government of Sri Lanka as an Agricultural Officer and later joined the National Council of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka and served as the Pioneer Director of the YMCA Youth Training Centre and then he served as the Associate National General Secretary of the N.C of the YMCAs of Sri Lanka.
He and his family were the victims of the ethnic riots of 1983 in Sri Lanka which made them to move to India and served the YMCAs of Hyderabad and the National YMCAs of India in New Delhi. He lived in India with his family for nearly seven years during this period he also engaged himself with Evangelical work and brought many people to the Lord as full believers. Two of the believers whom he lead to Christ are full time Pastor now and established Churches in Andhra Pradesh, India.
In 1990 he returned with his family to Sri Lanka and started an orphanage called “COME HOME” (Children Out of Motherly Embrace, Hope Offered with Maternal Enfold) for the children who lost their parents during the ethnic riots. He together with his wife Mary Cherubim adopted 53 children (Boys) and gave them education and brought them in the fear our Good Lord. Out of them three children became full time Pastor and few of them as faithful leaders who are serving our Lord in different Churches in Sri Lanka.
Pastor Cherubim and his family moved to Canada in 2001 and he established Redeemer Christ Assembly in Brampton and serving the Lord in Canada. He has written and published seven Christian Tamil Books and two English books. Weekly, he writes Christian Articles to two popular secular Tamil News Papers and Monthly, articles to a Christian News Paper. He used to visit many countries to preach and witness in many Tamil Churches through which many people have accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour.
Books Published:
English Books
- Sharing Your Faith & Testimony
- Marriage is Honourable
- The Mighty Power Ever Known – LOVE
- Glorious Names and Titles of God Almighty
- Miracles of Jesus Christ & His Apostles in the Bible
Tamil Books
- Fear Not
- Sin Not
- Be Holy
- Word of God – Living Word
- Worship not the creations – Worship your Creator
- God the Holy Spirit
- Power of Prayer
- Baptism
- Christian Unity
- Importance of Revival

We Remember
We remember our Pastor’s beloved wife Mrs. Mary Rajakumary Cherubim who passed away to be with our Lord on the 11th July 2016. She was fully involved with the ministry with Pastor for 33 long years from the time he started Evangelical work in 1983 in Sri Lanka and continued in India, after they both accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour in 1980. She was a mother to Fifty three (53) orphan children and took care of them for eleven long years together with Pastor in Sri Lanka.
She travelled with Pastor to many countries and continued to share her testimony how God lifted her from death bed after six months in Coma given up by the Doctors. She was a founder partner of the Redeemer Christ Assembly in Brampton, Canada with Pastor Cherubim. Her motherly love extended to the Church families cannot be forgotten. She was a prayer warrior and daily prayed for all those who requested her to pray. We as a Church miss her love and affection that we enjoyed.